Category: For Respiratory Health

Showing 1–9 of 18 results

  • Sinunorm DUO kapsulas elpceļu veselībai

    Sinunorm DUO, 15 capsules

    Original price was: €8.50.Current price is: €5.10.
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  • Sinurin AirStick inhalācijas zīmulis ar ēteriskajām eļļām

    Sinurin Air Stick inhalation pencil , 1 ml

    Original price was: €2.18.Current price is: €1.31.
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  • Bronchonorm līdzeklis klepus uzveikšanai

    BronchoNorm balm, 250 ml

    Original price was: €6.90.Current price is: €4.14.
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  • Sinunorm B balzams elpceļu veselībai

    Sinunorm B balm, 100 ml

    Original price was: €5.45.Current price is: €3.27.
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  • Placeholder

    Sinurin Isotonic, 30 ml

    Original price was: €4.88.Current price is: €3.00.
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  • Bronchonorm Caps capsules elpceļu veselībai

    BronchoNorm Caps, 15 capsules

    Original price was: €6.60.Current price is: €3.30.
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  • Sinurin Spray deguna aerosols ar jūras ūdeni un eikalipta ēterisko eļļu

    Sinurin Spray, 30 ml

    Original price was: €5.02.Current price is: €3.01.
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  • BronchoNorm balzams, 100ml

    BronchoNorm balm, 100 ml

    Original price was: €5.15.Current price is: €3.09.
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  • Sinunorm komplekts elpceļu veselībai

    2x Sinunorm DUO, 15 capsules

    Original price was: €17.00.Current price is: €8.50.
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Respiratory Health Supplements – For Immunity and Overall Health
Although autumn and winter are the most common seasons when we suffer from respiratory diseases, taking care of their health is important throughout the year. On average, a person with acute upper respiratory diseases gets sick about 1 to 3 times a year, and most often – about 90% of cases – the infections are caused by a virus
Although diseases of the upper respiratory tract, if treated in time, are not life-threatening, each of us knows the discomfort that they cause. The most common signs of an upper respiratory tract disease are: runny nose, stuffy nose, cough, sore throat, muscle pain, accompanied by pyrexia, weakness and fatigue.
In this case, respiratory health supplements can help. They not only strengthen immunity, but also promote faster recovery in the case of a cold, reducing the manifestation of symptoms caused by viruses.

What to Consider when Suffering from a Cold
To prevent disease progression and improve overall health, products that significantly shorten the recovery period while also reducing undesirable symptoms are necessary. For instance:

In case of runny nose/stuffy nose, use nasal drops or sprays;
In case of cough (including difficulty in expectorating), airway clearance should be the main focus. For example, cough syrups or tablets that dissolve sputum and promote airway clearance.
In case of cough, expectorants should be used. When the cough starts, it is usually dry, but after 2-3 days the cough becomes more moist, commonly with sputum. Medicinal plant extracts, such as pine and sage, can promote soothing and reducing irritation in the respiratory tract, which can cause coughing, clearing the respiratory tract of accumulated secretions, and facilitating breathing.
In the case of sore throat, products containing propolis, honey, and medicinal plant extracts will effectively relieve and reduce throat irritation.

However, in the case of a cold, self-care is just as important as taking vitamins and medications – so make sure to get quality rest, full sleep, and regular fluid intake (at least two litres of water per day). It is also advised to take vitamins in order to promote a faster recovery. Vitamin C, for example, will help the body fight viruses by strengthening the immune system. Vitamin D and zinc also help to maintain normal function of the immune system and protect cells from oxidative stress.

Recommendations for Strong Immune health
Although no one is completely immune to viral infections of the upper respiratory tract, strengthening immunity is one of the most important prerequisites for maintaining good health in everyday life. Different vitamins and nutritional supplements are not the only way to boost immunity. A healthy, balanced diet, regular physical activity, a quality sleep schedule, as well as good personal hygiene (regular hand washing, hand disinfection, etc.) are some of the most important factors.
In the Lotos Pharma online store, a wide range of products for respiratory health are available. These products have scientifically proven and complex composition which will strengthen immunity, protecting against possible illness, as well as help to recover faster if you do get sick.

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